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Analysis Assistenz
Lecture Notes [Link] Handwritten notes for my teaching assistant job in Analysis I and II under Prof. Jossen. This course is given for mathematicians and physicists. It focusses on proofs and mathematical basics of Analysis. The teaching assistant should teach an understanding of these techniques and introduce the students in to the world of strict logical proofs. The documents include the weekly summary of the topics adressed in the course and a discussion about the exercise sheets.
Influence of Wrapping on the Light Output of BGO
Bachelors Thesis [Link] We measured the effect of 14 different wrapping materials on the light output and energy resolution of a Bismuth Germanate scintillating crystal. Most of the wrappings increased the light output significantly with respect to the bare crystal. Using 3M Vikuiti™ ESR foil, we achieved almost triple the light output of the unwrapped crystal.
Nuclear effects for \(\nu_{e}\) - nucleus interactions and their impact on the search for CP violation at the T2K and Hyper-K experiments
Master's Thesis [Link] We show how HF-CRPA predictions of the \(\nu_\mu/\nu_{e}\) and \(\overline{\nu}_{\mu} / \overline{\nu}_{e}\) cross-section ratio differ from widely used models employed in the NEUT and GENIE neutrino interaction event generators. In a second step, we proceed to estimate the potential impact of such model differences on future measurements of CP-violation by the HK experiment. For this propose a systematic uncertainty for the cross-section ratio \(\nu_{e}/\overline{\nu}_{e}\) and perform sensitivity and resolution studies to estimate the effect of the added uncertainty on the HK experiment with different sets of systematic uncertainties.
A First Brief Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
Book Course [Link] For the Course: Selected Topics in Quantum Field Theory I took at the National University of Singapore, we had to write a small project paper over an advanced topic of our interrest. I decided on Conformal Field Theory and wrote a short introduction in to this field.
On the Feasibility of the Low-\(\nu\) Method for SuperFGD
Research Project [Link] The main goal of current and future long-baseline neutrino experiments is a precise measurement of the CP symmetry violating phase \(\delta_{CP}\) in the leptonic sector. A major uncertainty in the determination of \(\delta_{CP}\) in these experiments is due to a rather poor knowledge of the initial neutrino flux. Recently, a new flux measurement method has been established by the MINER\(\nu\)A experiment for neutrino energies from 2 - 50 GeV using the NuMI neutrino beam at Fermilab . This so-called low-\(\nu\) method sudies neutrino interactions with low hadronic recoil energies. For low-\(\nu\) interactions, the neutrino cross-section is constant over a wide energy range, which enables a precise prediction of the flux shape. In this report, the feasibility of the low-\(\nu\) method at the T2K experiment is studied with Monte Carlo simulations for the upgraded ND280 near detector. Neutrino interactions are simulated inside the new SuperFGD module and the outgoing particles are smeared according to the detector response. It is shown that, for the cut on the hadronic recoil energy \(\nu\) that is required to reach a constant cross-section around the peak energy of the T2K neutrino flux of 0.6 GeV at the ND280 location, the number of expected neutrino interactions is too low to make a good prediction of the flux shape.
Website [Link] On this website a friend and I publish summaries of the current debates in the German parliament. This is done by looking at a certain topic in more detail, summarizing the positions of every party, explaining some background knowledge and discussing possible effects of the corresponding legislature. Since we are both legal layman this should of course be taken more as an exercise in understanding the German political system as a scientific analysis.