Put all ingredients to a bowl and knead it until you have a smooth
Let the dough rest for 1 to maximally 5 hours at 20 degrees
Steps main dough
Put the pre dough together with all the other ingredients to a bowl
and knead for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
Put the dough in a oiled bowl and let it rest for one hour.
Fold the dough and put it back to the bowl.
Wait for another hour, fold it and repeat one more time - totaling
three hours of waiting.
Put the dough on a surface with flour and split it into 12 equal
parts, roughly 150g each.
Form those pieces into small buns, stretching the surface to
increase the surface tension for a nice crust. Put four of them together
into a small circle.
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and wait roughly 20 minutes. Then
put the Bürli into the oven. After 5 minutes turn the heat down to 220
degrees. After 10 further minutes, the Bürli are done.
In order to spice things up, use a little bit of Cayenne Pepper
during the forming process
But different kinds of seeds ontop of the Bürli before baking them.
Apply a little bit of water to the buns before putting the seeds ontop
of them to make them stick.
If you really like someone, the shape can always be changed to a